Amazon Video Animation

Amazon Animated Video

Adding an animated video creator to Amazon can significantly benefit sellers by grabbing customers’ attention, increasing product visibility, and enhancing brand storytelling. Animated videos have a higher chance of engaging and entertaining potential buyers, leading to increased conversions and sales. They offer a visually appealing way to showcase product features, benefits, and usage, ultimately boosting the overall success of a seller’s Amazon business.

See our amazing portfolio, to find out what to expect from Be Big Seller.

Amazon Video Animation

What is Amazon Animated Video?

Amazon Animated Video created by Be Big Seller is a professional service where skilled video animators produce engaging animated videos for Amazon product listings. These videos can be in 2D format, incorporating the client’s product along with their logo, images, and brand guidelines. Additionally, if the client provides a 3D mockup, a 3D animated video can be created. By utilizing this service, clients can have informative and visually appealing videos that effectively promote their products on Amazon, attracting potential customers and increasing sales.

Amazon Video Animation

Where can I get Animated Videos on Amazon?

Videos on Amazon typically appear within the product listing’s image gallery, alongside the product images. They are displayed as an additional media option for customers to view and engage with. When a customer visits a product page, they can click on the video thumbnail to play and watch the video directly on the page. Videos provide an interactive and visually engaging experience, allowing customers to get a better understanding of the product’s features, benefits, and usage, ultimately aiding in their purchasing decision.

Premium A+ Content on Amazon provides an opportunity to incorporate videos within the enhanced content modules. Premium A+ Content is available to vendors and brand registered sellers who have enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry. Within the A+ Content modules, sellers can include videos alongside other multimedia elements such as images, text, comparison charts, and more. These videos offer a dynamic and interactive experience for customers, allowing them to engage with the brand and product information in a more immersive way, ultimately influencing their purchasing decision.

Video animation Process

Step 1

Resource Sharing

  • The process begins with a discovery phase, where Be Big Seller’s team collaborates with you to gather all the necessary information about your product, target audience, goals, and branding guidelines.
  • They work closely with you to understand your vision for the video, including the key message, style, and tone you want to convey.
  • Based on this information, a detailed plan is created, outlining the video’s structure, script, visual elements, and overall strategy.

Step 2

Script Development

  • Once the planning phase is complete, the team at Be Big Seller starts developing the script for your video.
  • They craft a compelling and concise script that effectively communicates your product’s features, benefits, and unique selling points.
  • The script is designed to align with your brand’s voice and capture the attention of your target audience, keeping the video concise and engaging.

Step 3

Storyboarding and Visual Design

  • After finalizing the script, Be Big Seller proceeds to create a storyboard that outlines the visual sequence of the video.
  • The team designs the characters, graphics, and overall visual style of the video, ensuring it aligns with your brand’s identity.
  • You will have the opportunity to provide feedback and make any necessary revisions to the storyboard and visual design before moving forward.

Step 4

Animation Production

  • Once the storyboard and visual design are approved, Be Big Seller’s animators bring the video to life through animation.
  • They create the animated scenes, incorporating the characters, graphics, and transitions according to the approved storyboard.
  • Background music, sound effects, and voiceover (if required) are added to enhance the overall impact of the video.

Step 5

Review and Delivery

  • Once the animation is complete, Be Big Seller provides you with a draft version of the video for review.
  • You can provide feedback and request any necessary revisions to ensure the video meets your expectations.
  • After incorporating your feedback, the final version of the video is delivered to you in the desired format, ready to be integrated into your Amazon product listing.

Step 2

Script Development

  • Once the planning phase is complete, the team at Be Big Seller starts developing the script for your video.
  • They craft a compelling and concise script that effectively communicates your product’s features, benefits, and unique selling points.
  • The script is designed to align with your brand’s voice and capture the attention of your target audience, keeping the video concise and engaging.

Step 4

Animation Production

  • Once the storyboard and visual design are approved, Be Big Seller’s animators bring the video to life through animation.
  • They create the animated scenes, incorporating the characters, graphics, and transitions according to the approved storyboard.
  • Background music, sound effects, and voiceover (if required) are added to enhance the overall impact of the video.

Curious about Our Services? Contact Us!

Throughout the process, Be Big Seller maintains open communication, allowing you to collaborate and provide feedback at each stage. Their goal is to create a high-quality animated video that effectively promotes your product, engages your target audience, and drives conversions on Amazon.

Bring your vision to life and enhance your Amazon presence with stunning animated videos.

See our amazing portfolio, to find out what to expect from Be Big Seller.