Amazon Services

Amazon Setup

Opportunities to launch an online store by selling on Amazon are expanding along with the company’s growth. Because of the low cost of goods, free or inexpensive shipping, the vast selection, and convenience of online shopping, consumers prefer it to in-store shopping. Because of the various consumer-related marketing strategies they employ, more than half of online shoppers prefer to use Amazon to complete their purchases.

These patterns suggest that ecommerce business owners have a lot to look forward to in the coming year, and it makes sense for any seller to take advantage of the tremendous opportunity that Amazon represents.


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Amazon Setup

What Does Creating an
Amazon Account Entail?

We, at Be Big Seller are a team of Amazon consultants who help you devise a marketing strategy that your business can use to get its products or services in front of its target customer. Setting up and creating your seller account is the first step in becoming an Amazon seller. We identify the appropriate category for you after fully comprehending your Amazon seller objectives and thoroughly analysing the specific products you wish to sell.

We are well-positioned to get you started in the right direction, whether you have specified registering as a professional or an individual seller, or want us to give a diagnostic assessment of which one suits your projection the best. We relieve you of the hassle by first outlining the policies and guidelines of Amazon so that you are always kept informed and in good standing. We create your Amazon account, taking care of the whole process of registering, proceeding further to product listing and more.

Amazon Setup

Amazon Seller Central Account Setup:

Be Big Seller is a leading Amazon business consultant that offers the services that an Amazon seller requires to succeed and thrive. As your trusted Amazon setup agency, we develop strategies to boost your sales and make sure that your brand messaging is consistent across all platforms. Your customised seller central account will be created by our experts, who will also handle all related functionalities like brand registration and protection, case log management, category optimization, sponsor ads, order management, feedback management, etc. With these comprehensive services at your disposal, concentrating on your main business is simple. With the help of our seller central setup services, we can help you connect with a global market.

Setup Process

Step 1

Assess What You Will Sell

Your Amazon business strategy should outline the kinds of goods you will sell and how you will get them. Be Big Seller has a long history of assisting clients in finding success on Amazon, so we are well-versed in the platform’s ins and outs. We will work with you to conduct market research and evaluate the potential for selling your goods on Amazon. Not every brand and product category have the same potential. Be Big Seller examine your market in depth to determine your growth potential.

Step 2

Devise a Plan

Your choice of seller plan will be one of your first choices you will have to make when selling on Amazon. For sellers, Amazon offers the Individual and Professional plans. After carefully examining your selling pattern, we, at Be Big Seller will make a recommendation for you regarding which is the best fit for​ your organization.

Step 3

Create a Seller Account on Amazon

The following action is to open a fresh Amazon seller account. Be Big Seller will assist you in opening an account. Amazon will ask you several questions about your company, and we handle this part with very meticulously and with extreme care. Before starting the process of setting up the Amazon seller central account as the first step to post sign procedures, we make sure that all your credentials and paperwork are prepared.

Step 4

Recognize Amazon's Pricing Structure

It may seem that a lot of capital goes in setting up your Amazon account but on the contrary, starting your Amazon business with little capital is quite possible. However, there are some charges that you should be aware of because they are common and can affect the ROI of your Amazon channel. In addition to taxes, these fees also include shipping costs, fixed closing costs, and Amazon referral fees. We will give you suggestions on how to set your product prices to generate a profit, making it simpler for you to be successful on Amazon.

Step 5

List your Primary Offering:

The sales on Amazon take place on the product detail page. The details you include on this page promote your goods and entice customers to make purchases. We work with you to design a successful page that is outstanding:

  • Product Title: We will work with you to choose a product title that will not only draw customer’s attention but also let them know they are in the right place. Additionally, our Amazon experts will assist you in enhancing both your SEO ranking and click-through rate in search.
  • Clear Product Images: Our Amazon experts place their bets on the fact that Amazon thrives on visual clarity. Before zooming in, your main image should clarify what the product is. If applicable, additional photos should include lifestyle imagery in addition to additional product angles.
  • Brief bullet points: Bullet points make it easier for customers to find the information they need quickly. They are explanatory texts that highlight the advantages of your product on your product details page. Our skilled Amazon content writers will emphasise only the most vital details while reiterating key selling points and using your brand voice. They will also mention any supporting data to help customers understand why they should buy.

Step 2

Devise a Plan

Your choice of seller plan will be one of your first choices you will have to make when selling on Amazon. For sellers, Amazon offers the Individual and Professional plans. After carefully examining your selling pattern, we, at Be Big Seller will make a recommendation for you regarding which is the best fit for​ your organization.

Step 4

Recognize Amazon's Pricing Structure

It may seem that a lot of capital goes in setting up your Amazon account but on the contrary, starting your Amazon business with little capital is quite possible. However, there are some charges that you should be aware of because they are common and can affect the ROI of your Amazon channel. In addition to taxes, these fees also include shipping costs, fixed closing costs, and Amazon referral fees. We will give you suggestions on how to set your product prices to generate a profit, making it simpler for you to be successful on Amazon.

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Amazon Setup

Our Final Observations

At first glance, Amazon might appear to be a challenge to your small business. It has a huge audience, a global marketplace, and a prominent position in the consumer market. However, when used properly, Amazon can assist business owners in making money online. To launch your new Amazon sales channel, follow our step-by-step instructions. When starting to launch new products on Amazon, keep this guide in mind.

  • Favoured product evaluations
  • Sponsored advertise
  • Merchandise benefit from sales opportunities
  • Encourage outside traffic
  • Correct your pricing