Amazon Product Images

Amazon Product Images

Amazon allows 9 product images for each SKU per the reported study; buyers are 80% convinced by the attractive infographic and lifestyle images. Our expert graphic designer and content writers try to create nine stunning images per amazon policies that help buyers easily understand the product specifications, and maximize the conversion of coming traffic to potential buyers.

See our amazing portfolio, to find out what to expect from Be Big Seller.

Amazon Product Images

Why Are Product Images So Important?

One of the main draws of online shopping is better prices, and a wider assortment of goods from across the globe, and Amazon is the most popular e-commerce site for consumers. However, most of the sensory cues you typically get while shopping in person is absent when you shop online, so you are forced to rely only on what you see.

Because of this, Amazon product images are crucial because only an item that is presented attractively can draw potential customers. The goal of Amazon’s search algorithm is to provide users with the best available results. Including infographics and lifestyle images is a prerequisite for listing products on Amazon, which is why product photographs are necessary.

A good product image will significantly increase the likelihood that a prospective customer will click through the product detail page. This will drive a higher volume of purchases, especially if more detailed product photos are available.

Additionally, a product page will rank higher in Amazon search results if it draws more clicks and generates more purchases.

How Many Photos Are Most Appropriate for the Amazon Algorithm?

It is necessary to have a main image, product infographics and lifestyle images that appear next to your product’s Amazon detail pages. You must utilize all of the image space that Amazon permits as a vendor. Provide variation for your target audience by uploading a full collection of nine product images. We try to give prospective customers as much information as we can from the infographics and lifestyle images created by our expert amazon graphic designers.

How Can Be Big Seller Assist You in Producing Really Compelling Product Images That Sell?

Without some captivating pictures, a product listing on Amazon isn’t complete. We at Be Big Seller are a team of professionals who can assist you in producing graphics that inspire desire. With the use of some tricks up our sleeves, we devised a plan that will help you boost your conversion rates and optimize sales by engaging potential customers with beautiful and high-quality optimized product images.

Our Process of Creating
Amazon Product Images

Detailed Competitive Analysis

For your target customers to be persuaded to buy it, we at Be Big Seller think that images must be compelling and intriguing. To take customers on a visual trip and inspire their creative side, we thoroughly research competition and their product images and create your product images stand out.

Content Writing

Below are the key points we follow while creating the product image content:

Use Descriptive Language

We use descriptive words to accurately convey the features, benefits, and use cases of your product.

Highlight Key Features

We highlight key features of your product, such as its size, colour, material, and any unique or innovative features.

Emphasize the Benefits

Highlight the benefits of your product to show customers how it can solve their problems or make their lives easier.

Use Bullet Points

We use bullet points to break up text and make it easier for customers to scan and quickly understand the key points.

Include Dimensions and Specifications

Includes dimensions and specifications to help customers understand if the product will fit their needs.

Address Customer Concerns

To build trust and credibility, we address any common customer concerns or questions in the product description.

Use Persuasive Language

We use persuasive language to encourage customers to buy your product, such as including phrases like “limited time offer” or “best value.”

Stay Within Amazon Guidelines

We ensure that your product description adheres to Amazon’s guidelines, such as avoiding false claims or overly promotional language.

Creating Infographic and Lifestyle Images

Every product has some connection to a particular lifestyle. Buyers prefer to view everything in a natural environment. Buyers can visualise themselves using the goods with the aid of lifestyle images. As a result, it makes them want the product more. At Be Big Seller, we use particular settings and models to capture the spirit of captivating lifestyle photos.

Uploading Images on Amazon

We strategically upload the images in a sequence that allows your buyer to have information in a correct flow. We save your efforts and time in uploading everything on Amazon.

Be Big Seller has a team of expert business analysts, content writers and creative image developers that will employ all the elements of precise product design to incorporate a theme and style and influence customers’ purchasing decisions in your favours.

See our amazing portfolio, to find out what to expect from Be Big Seller.